
Thursday, October 18, 2012

F F F Foolin'

And I don't mean the Def Leppard song, but if you are curious you can listen to it here. Click ----> LINK.  Ahhh Pyromania - one of their best albums along with Hysteria IMHO. Crap that takes me back to high school, but I digress, back on topic.

Troubadour is teaching a Team Oregon class this weekend, which mean he is also teaching tonight.  So, with some extra time on my hands I opted to fool around with a few photo manipulation apps on the iPad - Snapseed and XnView Fx.  Both are okay, but I am sure there are others out there.

Here are some of the results:

(Vintage Trobairitz?)

(Troubadour and I - a few years old but a favorite of mine)

(Moi - being a bit cheeky)

(Pencil sketch kissing - makes me think of the A-Ha video for Take on Me)
(yes everything really does lead back to music for us)

(Apocalyptic Max)

(And I couldn't forget Basil - looking almost radioactive)

Not an overly exciting post, but I had fun f f f foolin' with the pics.  Have you ever used photo manipulation apps or programs and if so which did you like or not like?

- Au Revoir

" A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool." - William Shakespeare


  1. Great set of images. I really like apocalyptic Max. But I LOVE Basil.

    It has been a long time since I have played with photo effects. I usually like the watercolor, polarizer, or edge detects. ;)

    1. Thanks Lori. Basil is entirely too photogenic.

  2. I use Photoshop as a darkroom to "process"- improve contrast, color issues, saturation. But sometimes I play with effects. Sometimes I scan old film photos and they end up looking like "effects".

    I am careful not to make the effect the subject over the content of the photo. It should enhance or correct. But, if a person wants to have fun then by all means do. That's what it's there for!

    1. I load all my photos into iPhoto and sometime will adjust saturation or try and correct exposure or contrast a bit before posting them. Occasionally I would use some of the manipulation features in iPhoto such as the pencil crayon drawing on vignette, but playing with manipulation apps was kind of new to me.

  3. Trobairitz:

    I have played around with effects on my iPhone Apps, but not so much with Photoshop where I try to enhance my photos with Levels, contrast enhancements etc. It's amazing how much time goes by when you are learning something new

    Riding the Wet Coast
    My Flickr // My YouTube

    1. I've seen some of the cool things you can do with your iPhone apps. I remember you trying different things when we were in Seattle.

    2. I haven't heard of either of these programs, but sure did enjoy those pictures....especially the ones with the old covered bridge and the one with the snow.....:-). cool beans!

  4. I am guilty of using Snapseed, and I quite like their drama and grunge effects. I definitely like your apocalyptic Max the most.

    Your mentioning of AHA and the related video is giving you away as a kid of the 80's. I am surprised to hear that the Norwegian pop group was so popular in North America.

    1. Hey someone else that uses Snapseed, cool.

      AHA was actually pretty big in Canada as far as I know. They were huge in our little town of 1500 at any rate. And yes I was a child of the 70's and 80's, mostly remember all the music from the 80's while in high school.

  5. Love the Apocalyptic Max - very Mad Max! That was a good ride too :). Thanks for getting "take on meeeeeee, take. On. Me. Take me onnnnnnnn!" stuck in my head blasted heathen woman!

    1. Ha, Mad max, clever you are. Ooooh I gave you an ear worm without even trying. Yay for me. Did you manage to get it out of your head yet?

  6. Fun stuff playing with photos. That's one thing I love about the digital makes the "dark room" available to all of us. So many fun filters and techniques to mess with. I like the Apocalyptic Max. I like playing with textures like this and find these kinds of images fun to create. I use Photoshop. It's standard software for my work so it's what I have at home too.

    Love the shot of Basil. He looks so cool and dignified no matter what technique! (Your wood stove looks a little ominous though!)

    1. It is nice to be able to play around with the textures and effects once in a while just to see what I can come up with or create. I don't do it very often though.

      I didn't realize the wood pellet stove in Basil's picture looks like it is coming alive. Look out Basil.

  7. Great pics! I'm so low tech for a bloke who once developed and printed his own.
    Good old band (Joe looks so young it that vid). They were on top form at Donnington recently - the longer you play together, the better you get.
    Would `Mr Fawlty` be a Maine Coon?
    Dull and drizzly here today, but I must ride, it is my duty, plus I have a check ride on Tuesday so need to polish up on a few moves. TTFN.

    1. I used to work in a camera whop that developed and printed photos - way back in the day (1990-1991) and enjoyed mixing all the chemicals and adjusting the colors of photos to compensate for lighting etcetera. Fun stuff.

      I think Basil is part Maine Coon. Our old cat Baxter (RIP) definitely was and Basil seems to have a lot of the traits and size going for him, but he isn't full on Main Coon. He is only 16 lbs, but long when you hold him and stretch him out to his full height. We think he may have a bit of Norwegian forest cat in him too.

      Drizzly here today too, but then we are heading into our rainy season - should last until next June. Have a good ride even though the weather might not cooperate.

  8. I love Def Leppard, it also took me back to my high school days. Apocalyptic Max is a great photo. Nice one. I use photoshop but don't really know how it works.

    1. Def Leppard was one of my favorite bands in high school. Along with AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Scorpions, and some pop music thrown in for good measure. Yeah, I admit to singing Def's Photograph as I was typing since it seemed appropriate and was another of my favorite songs.

      I don't know how photoshop works but the other apps are trial and error, no instructions needed or provided, lol.

    2. Seen Judas Priest 3 times. Should've taken ear defenders - what?

    3. Those would have been interesting concerts. After I graduated my mom moved to Calgary where she proceeded to see AC/DC, Def Leppard, and a host of others in concert.

      I've been to see Jimmy Buffet twice, because my brother bought the tickets and needed a ride. Too many people in one place for me.

  9. Odd man out here no iPhone or iPad. And I can hardly take a good picture!

    Love the effects on these photos. Hard to pick a fave, but the pencil kissing rates pretty high!

    1. Don't feel bad I don't have an iPhone, heck I don't have a smart phone. I do have an iPad though as the boss gave it to me as a bonus last year. Well actually he said electronics weren't appropriate for him to give his employee so he wrote me a check and said to go by it myself. YAY for god bosses.

      Kissing always rates high doesn't it? I really did like the way that one came out. Didn't detract from the subject - you can still tell it is us.

  10. Basil is sure a beauty, even "glowing." As a long time graphics person I use the professional version of Photoshop (part of the Creative Suite).

    1. Thank you, Basil is cute and he knows it. He tries to get by on good looks alone but then we ask him to behave. Poor kitteh.

      Oooh, a long time graphics person. I bet you could come up with some pretty cool photo manipulations.

  11. Very nice effects on the pictures. I'm sitting at my computer this morning with a wide variety of CD's playing. I didn't click on any of the music links, but just reading about A-ha has got that blasted song playing in my head!!!! It's competing with Bob Seger and Don Williams at this very moment. LOL...

    1. Thanks Erik. Sorry about the ear worm. My guess is Bob Segar trumps AHA any day (Roll me Away.... now I have that song in my head). It's contagious.

  12. Nice selection of effects. I have SnapSeed installed but have only opened it to dink around with pictures. I don't think I actually saved any since the effects didn't add what I was looking for. I still use Camera+ on both the phone and the iPad as you can import photos as well as take photos. For DSLR photos, I still use Aperture for white balance, exposure and sharpening. Some sort of post processing is essential due to the way I choose to expose the pictures. Occasionally, I'll mess with some of the many other settings.

    Of the photos posted, I think my favorites are the pencil sketch and the '60's colors of the cheeky you...

    1. Thanks Richard.

      I have a few saved. It is nice that when I plug the iPad into the iMac they automatically upload to iPhoto too. I've never really used the camera feature on the iPad, but I can see how it would be handy to have on a smart phone.

  13. Looks like you were having fun ... Love radioactive Basil.

    1. Basil's so cute I ask him if it hurts. He just purrs.

  14. I love playing round with those sorts of photo effects, I've even used some of them on my blog a couple of times.

    Love the A-hah pic, it just seems like it was screaming for that effect, and yeah like everyone else I've got that song stuck in my head. If I'm still singing it tomorrow there will be trouble!! :)

    1. So Brenda - is the song still stuck in your head? I apologize if it is.

    2. It wasn't, it's back now, I'll forgive you tho cause it is one of those songs isn't it. It's going to take another one to get rid of it.

    3. Hmmm I could think of another song to taunt you with but I dunno which one.

      Since the song is back in your head, we can just go with a little AC/DC Back in Black, that is always a good one for an ear worm.

  15. Holy cow, you like a lot of the same music as me (how 80s of me eh?)...I especially like the pencil drawing of the kissing couple on the bridge similar to the A-ha video. Takes me back to nights watching MTV as a teen at my friend's house whose parents had cable! Gotta go dig out those K-tel records...

    1. Well I turned 40 last year so I am a child of the 80's. And I love music.

      MTV? We watched Much Music and of course Good Rockin Tonight with Terry David Mulligan ( I am from Oregon, but I grew up in British Columbia)
