First, I must say Happy Canada Day to my wonderful hubby Troubadour and also to all of our Canadian friends and relatives. I hope you have a great day off, you all deserve it. Sorry you have to work Troubadour.
Now, I must explain the rest of the title of this post - "Summer's Over". When we lived in British Columbia it always seemed that time went by so quickly that the minute it was Canada Day, summer was over and it was Labour Day already. Yes, I spelled it "labour", it is Canada Day after all.
It still seems to be true today. So enjoy summer why you can, before you know it, it will be over. In fact the days are getting shorter already. Somehow it doesn't seem fair that the days get longer in spring, but when the nice weather hits, they get shorter.
Have a wonderful day everyone, whether you are enjoying the sunshine and a day off or working and watching the sun through the window.
- Au Revoir
"As always, Canada will now bury its war dead, just as the rest of the world, as always, will forget its sacrifice, just as it always forgets nearly everything Canada ever does. It seems that Canada's historic mission is to come to the selfless aid both of its friends and of complete strangers, and then, once the crisis is over, to be well and truly ignored. Canada is the perpetual wallflower that stands on the edge of the hall, waiting for someone to come and ask her for a dance." - Kevin Myers (The Daily Telegraph, London)
I have thought Canada a splendid country ever since I turned 17 and would drive 5 hours to Montreal to hang out on St. Catherines Street. Thanks Canada for the good times and pleasant memories!
ReplyDeleteI see you also spell Troubadour the Canadian Way, otherwise it would have been Troobadoor. It was a great day to relax in the warm sunshine, but most will be celebrating July 4th tomorrow. Before you arrived in Corvallis did you live in Kelowna ? I will be riding up there in two weeks. If you want pictures of anything let me know, I will most likely ride the Westside Road from Vernon to Westbank. Bradley was asking about those condominiums in Penticton on Lakeshore. They are very pricey starting at $299K for bare 1 BDRM, up to deluxe 2 BDRM for $699K. You could probably have a house for a fraction of that price. Even Merritt has gone wild with development because of the Walk of Stars, Kind of like a Branson "Canadian style". I have a blog entry and some pictures from last year
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your summer, there's nearly 2 months left. Quit scaring us with premonitions of Fall, it'll come soon enough (LOL)
bobskoot: wet coast scootin
Rob - I have only been to Montreal once - in January of 2001 when it was - 40 outside and that was too freaking cold. I loved the city even in the cold and think it would be great to go back in the spring or fall and look at the old architecture and take lots of photos.
ReplyDeleteBobskoot - we lived in Penticton and Brad still has family in Kelowna. Thanks for the pictures of Penticton - see comment on your blog.....
Last week on our way to Penticton, we stopped in Keromeos for cherries. I also remember on one of our previous trips we had lunch at the BIG K restaurant and had a buffalo burger. It's that green place on the main drag just before the signal light where the highway makes the LEFT turn. (on the right side). As we were eating we stared at all the cars passing by and they must have thought that we were "locals". There are some excellent m/c roads in the area (think, Green Lake road) and some others which we have ridden, but I can't remember their names.
I will be riding my bike to Kelowna in 2 weeks for the Rally. I can wave at your relatives for you.
take care
bobskoot: wet coast scootin