I've been feeling the need lately to feed the blog monster. You know the one I'm talking about. He sits there and looks over your shoulder while you are wasting time on facebook. You can hear his toe tapping when you are playing solitaire. He is giving you his evil grin knowing you are thinking about blogging but cannot come up with a post topic.
This is what I have been facing lately. I have been having a hard time coming up with blog post topics. In the summer we are so busy that I have all kinds of things to write about and lots of pictures to share but not enough time to post up anything. Now I seem to be suffering the opposite.
I go to work, I come home. The next day I go to work, I come home, rinse, repeat. You get the idea. Not to say that we haven't done anything lately.
We did go to the Meaghan Smith/Joe Purdy concert in Eugene and had a great time. The music was awesome and we even stopped at a quaint little Patisserie on the way that Troubadour had just discovered. Sweet Life Patisserie on Monroe Street in Eugene. If you are ever in town I recommend it. They serve all kinds of amazing baked goods and treats and supply wonderful organic coffee to wash it all down. I wish we had thought to take a picture or two of our treats. Troubadour did take a couple photos of the concert and a few videos but the lighting was not so great. The picture to the right is of Meaghan during one of her first few songs. Kudos to WOW Hall in Eugene for being a great host in a small venue.
I haven't been out on a bike recently. I think the last time was a few weeks ago when we rode down to Saturday morning coffee, I rode pillion on the back on the Ninja. Not a comfy position. Still perusing bikes here and there and looking on Craigslist too. I am having a hard time justifying the price of a Bonneville SE even with reducing the price by trading in the Ninja. Sure would look nice beside Troubadour's America in the garage though. The Suzuki TU 250 was still on the table as a viable option but one of the distributors at the show said they are hard to get and not even sure if any more will be imported by spring, maybe not until summer. That, and I can't justify spending that amount of money on a 250 cc motorcycle - it is over half the price of a Bonneville when freight and PDI are added. For now I shall wait and see what the spring brings. Maybe the Ninja will sell and something will turn up when I least expect it. I am worried about having to start all over learning everything again. It has been several months now since I've ridden. Troubadour assures me it will all come back to me - kind of like riding a bike (pun intended).

The holiday season is upon us and I for one will be glad when it is over and my favorite radio station returns to playing normal music in lieu of the 24/7 Christmas songs that it is now playing. How sad that I've had to change the station. That is okay. I have pre-sets in the car and I know how to use them. No plans for Troubadour and I. We don't celebrate Christmas and we have come to enjoy the peace that comes with not participating. It has been 5 years since we liberated ourselves from the commercial buying frenzy and madness to please everyone at once. Every year it gets nicer and nicer to just go about our business and observe everyone else caught up in the hustle and bustle. We prefer to show our appreciation of family and friends in little ways throughout the year and not through commercialism.

As the year comes to a close, I shall look back to all we have done in 2009. I have thought of one year end post to come. A wrap up... or reflection if you will. Stay tuned.
-Au Revoir
"Once conform, once do what others do because they do it, and a kind of lethargy steals over all the finer senses of the soul." ~ Michel Eyquem de Montaigne
ReplyDeleteLike yourselves, we DON'T celebrate Christmas nor do we purchase gifts either, except if you are under 10. Acting like 10 doesn't count. We purchase things all year so we are not caught up in the emotions . . .
I'll have to go and sit on a Ninja, I rather like the looks of it and Troubador seems to like it as a commuter. I can't remember why you wanted something else. It's too bad about the scratch though.
Christmas music makes me a little sad and they play so much of it. Luckily I have satelite radio in the car so I can tune it out.
Have a very merry Christmas and happy holidays. Can't wait for your year end in review post
bobskoot: wet coast scootin
Sometimes the blog monster makes you lay awake at night planning the feeding menu. I try to remember that it serves me, not the other way around!
ReplyDeleteTake care.
All this talk about feeding the blog monster, and you didn't think of posting a recipe whenever you can't think of something to write about. If anyone has any recipe worth posting it's you. And it would feed the blog monster and me at the same time.