There aren't a lot of cartoons or comic strips out there that give more than a passing glance, but Get Fuzzy has been a constant read for me for years. I love the banter between Satchel Pooch and Bucky Cat and their owner Robert, or as Bucky likes to call him 'Pinky'.
They have several supporting characters that pop in and out all the time such as Fungo the Ferret and Mac Manc McManx the cat from England. If you haven't ever read Get Fuzzy and are a pet owner or simply enjoy a good chuckle now and then I encourage you to read a strip or two of Get Fuzzy. They can be viewed here at comics.com or a Google search will bring several sites up.
I happened across this one the other day and it struck me as funny. Maybe because when I read it, I imagined a very strong British accented voice saying the last line or maybe because our cat Basil loves dead fish and ear rubs.
Appreciez et nouvelle annee heureuse. (Enjoy and Happy New Year)

-Au Revoir
"When I play with my cat, who knows if I am not a pastime to her more than she is to me?" ~ Michel de Montaigne, Essays, 1580
It would be humorous except that I'm flying to Phoenix for business in a couple of weeks. God only knows who will be next to me on the plane. At least it's a short flight!
ReplyDeleteTake care,
Irondad, you'll be fortunate if it happens to be Mr. McManx LOL!!!