
Monday, June 18, 2012

2012 International Ride to Work Day

Today is International Ride to Work Day.  The one day a year I am guaranteed to ride Max to work rain or shine.  

It rained in the night but the roads were pretty dry by the time I rode to work.  And now that my butt is firmly parked in my office chair the sun is out.

(Max at work - the office door is just to the right)
Usually I see one or two bikes heading towards campus on my way to work.  This morning, not one.  Maybe they were OSU students who graduated yesterday.

I'm guessing a lot of others rode to work too, and it is probably an everyday occurrence for you, unlike my annual ride to work day.

- Au Revoir

"Work to ride and ride to work." - Author Unknown


  1. Trobairitz:

    I realize it takes you longer to put on all your gear than to ride to work, plus the undressing at work into your work attire. Lucky your backdoor is just a step away, and I thought that my parking was close.

    Max looks good, you need a windscreen for your trip(s)

    Riding the Wet Coast
    My Flickr // My YouTube

  2. I am lucky with my parking spot. The boss has the one of the right side of the door and mine is on the left side. It helps when he and his parents own the parking lot.

    I am gun shy with windscreens. I have seen Brad have a heck of a time trying to get a suitable one that doesn't buffet him around so I am happy dealing with the 'clean wind' of the naked bike instead.

    1. Trobairitz:

      I consider a windshield to be a safety item. Imagine all the rocks, dust and bees that hit your helmet and gets into your eyes. Plus you get fatigued faster on long trips, plus the pelting rain. and the colder air . . . have I convinced you yet. Just angle the windshield more. It is better to use the bike's inertial to push through the wind, rather than yourself

      Riding the Wet Coast
      My Flickr // My YouTube

    2. At some times of the year, I can see a wave of mosquitos going up and over the windscreen. But you probably don't have the same mosquito problems that we have up here....

    3. I can see your points gentlemen.

      A full face keeps most of the bugs and debris out, unless I have the visor up riding through a town or at a stop light

      I think since Chris just did over 10,000 miles on his SV without a windscreen I'll be fine on my 300 mile days without one.

  3. Yay to you and your ride to work. I commend you for going through the trouble of gearing up. I wasn't gonna do it. :)

    1. Thanks Lori. I had to do it, at least the one day anyway.

  4. Everyday is a ride to work day (well almost...). Good for you!

    As for the windshield, I also prefer the face-in-the-wind method, however picture yourself in bug season, behind a truck full of sand or rocks or tires throwing things at you. I put on the windshield for touring only, and once home, the bike is back to au naturel.

    1. I suppose because I have a short torso that maybe I wouldn't have the windscreen issues. Not sure. I just hate all the fuss of getting one and getting it set right.

  5. I don't commute. And even though I had some really creative suggestions for photo opportunities, I chose to go the sane route and not post a pseudo-ride-to-work picture. I'm happy that you were able to enjoy the commute!

    1. Aw, come on, they were pretty inventive suggestions. I understand why you'd want to go the sane route although, I thought Sonja's idea of sliding down the stairs on a doormat in ATGATT was genius.

  6. Nice to see your bike at work! And I love your groooovy new background!

    1. Thank you, I needed to change it to something summery. Now I need to ride when the sun is shining so I can take a summery picture. The clouds and mist at the coast put a damper on the summer picture taking on Sunday.

  7. How did the bike handle over the weekend? Any improvement?

    1. No different I don't think. To me it kind of felt like the stock shock. Was quite bumpy on the backroads but was fine at highway speeds. I figured I'd do a blog post on it and add some other photos that were taken on Sunday. Just need to find the time.

  8. I missed it- but I have a good excuse. Monday is a day off on my work schedule. I was out riding, just not to work.

    1. At least you got out on the bike. I can see why you wouldn't want to ride to work on your day off. No one wants to do that.

  9. Well, being retired plus currently having a head cold, I did not ride anywhere on Monday. But was with you in spirit!

    1. Ick blah - head colds. I hope you feel better quick.
