
Thursday, February 2, 2012

2/29 for the #29in29

Day two of the 29 in 29 photo adventure. I went for a walkabout on my lunch today since there are usually a few bikes parked downtown in certain spots. Beautiful sunny day, but no bikes to be seen. I had to go back to the office and get creative.

Does this count as moto-related?

(My office space - who took my stapler?)

- Au Revoir

"If you do not raise your eyes, you will think you are the highest point." - Antonio Porchia (1943)


  1. Sure, it counts. That is one neat desk you have. :-)

  2. Trobairitz:

    You only need a photo of anything, not necessarily of any bikes. Your desk is neat, like mine. No clutter makes for an organized mind

    Riding the Wet Coast

    1. I'll see how long I can sustain the moto related theme. It is more of a personal challenge. We'll see.

      My OCD makes me clean my desk off before going home and of course several times during the day if the workload allows. Trust me, it didn't look like this during the day Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday this week. Looked more like a hurricane came through, but I always clean it and stack files before going home.

  3. Wow what an organized desk you have! Wish mine looked like that. Very creative thinking for your picture.

    1. Thanks, I hope to get creative tomorrow too.

      I can't work with a messy desk and I can't cook in a messy kitchen. Go figure. There is a place for everything and everything in it's place.

    2. She is always putting me in my place.

    3. Ha, you know your place is with me. ;-)

  4. Nice one! I had the desk picture in mind for tomorrow... darn now I have to think about something else or maybe not..., just to prove that my desk looks as flashy as yours.

    1. Go ahead and post one of your desk. Me thinks you would be just as particular as I am.

  5. No it doesn't count - your desk is too clean and organised...

    1. Can't help it, it is the OCD. Some days it looks really bad mid-day, I'll have to snap a pic of it when it is like that.

  6. Geez, what a neat desk! (I won't be posting up mine!)
    I don't know who took your stapler, but you can't have mine!! ;)

    1. Oh come on..... your desk can't be that bad.

      I really do have a stapler. It is to the right of my pen cup by my two hole punch and a stack of client files. I just like the 'who took my stapler' part of the movie Office Space.

    2. Ahhh...Office Space - classic, funny stuff!

    3. Everyone needs to see that movie at least once.
