I know I have commented about our rainy Spring in prior posts, but I just have to vent one more time.
I usually don't mind some rain. It makes the grass grow and turns it all nice and green and I don't have to water the shrubs and planters when Mother Nature is doing it for me, but enough is enough. When we moved to Oregon in 2001 someone told me once the color of the grass was 'Oregon Green". I wasn't sure what was meant by that, but I sure do now.
I think if it rains too much more I'll have to find an outfit like this.....

I haven't been out on Max since our coast ride on May 1st. Today is the 31st. Yikes. My riding skills will be rusty when I get back on that steel horse. At least with it parked in the garage the bike won't be rusty. I don't mind if we start out on a ride and get caught in a little rain but I hesitate to start out in a downpour. I just don't need to ride that bad. Maybe it is because I don't have enough miles on Max yet to be comfortable and trust the tires in that kind of weather. In time I am sure I will, but it doesn't mean I'd enjoy riding in the rain any more than I do now. I hate it when my face shield fogs up and my hands get wet through my gloves or my long hair wicks the rain down into my jacket and soaks my shirt.
I don't like feeling like this after a ride.....

It seems that it rains more often than not lately. I am hoping that soon the weather will change. It managed to rain most of the weekend and is still raining now. More rain is scheduled for tomorrow and Thursday.

The forecast for Friday, Saturday and Sunday looks promising. Of course it does, we have plans for Saturday. Premier Motogear/Mr. Ed's Moto in Albany is having their annual swap meet and we have a space reserved. From our collective weight loss Troubadour and I have amassed 6 riding jackets, 3 pairs of riding pants and a riding suit that don't fit. Add those to extra helmets, a spare windscreen, spare pillion seat for the America, miscellaneous electrical gizmos and a muffler for an unknown bike and we have enough stuff to fill a table. We are hoping to sell enough gear that we will be able to buy some new stuff that fits properly.
I have been waiting for warmer weather to use my mesh pants but unfortunately those don't fit any better that the winter ones I'm using now. I'd attempt to sell my winter ones this weekend but that would leave me with no riding pants since I haven't found a new pair that fit yet. I can't in good conscience ride with just my jeans for protection so I'll have to wait to sell them.
Luckily Sunday is forecast for sunshine. I won't hold my breath but I am hoping we'll be able to go out for a ride that day. It has been a while since just the two of us have gone out for any length of ride and after the last group ride I am looking forward to it. We'll charge up the radios and have ourselves an all day adventure. Or at least I'm hoping to. We'll see if the weather cooperates.

Three more weeks and we'll see the first day of Summer. Sure doesn't feel like it is almost here. Hasn't been warm enough. With the happiness that the coming of Summer brings I also feel a certain sadness. It also means that the days will be getting shorter. Just when it seems we haven't been able to get out and enjoy the longer hours of daylight the days will be getting shorter. What cruel fate is this?
I hope all of you have been getting out for some rides. I have been busy enough lately that I haven't been reading the posts of our blogging friends. I hope to catch up with all of you soon.
- Au Revoir
"To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring" ~ George Santayana