It doesn't seem like we've been up to much in June, but at the same time the month went by quite quickly.

Since my last post I participated in the Ride to Work Day. Due to lack of luggage on Max (one of these days I'll get a top case for it) I managed to leave my camera at home, so no pics taken. Mind you the view of my parking space is not much. Sitting in a lot right outside the back door next to an unassuming brick building. At least it is shady in the afternoon.
I did get to wear my new Rev'it Sand pants on the commute. It is only a 3 mile ride but they didn't seem to ride up the legs like the Cayenne Pros did.
I'm hoping this weekend I'll get a chance to wear them for a long ride.
We didn't get any riding in last weekend. The weather has been decidedly better. Days of brilliant sunshine interspersed with clouds and a sprinkling of rain. The temperatures have been in the 70's every day so that is a bonus. Last Saturday RickRick stopped by and we went to Saturday morning coffee then up to Portland for the day. We had Dim Sum at Jin Wah in Beaverton. Sorry Bobskoot, no food porn pictures. Didn't even take the camera. How inconsiderate of me.

From there we went to Harbor Freight and then to the Columbia Employee Store located at the company headquarters in Beaverton. For the last few years Rick has worked an education fair for them and in return has been provided with guest passes. We have been lucky and this is the second year he has invited us along. If it has the Columbia or Mountain Hard Wear label on it then they sell it at the Employee store for at least 50% off of retail. Some items are even more than 50% off.
(Picture pilfered from the interweb)
We wandered around and tried on clothes. An hour and a half to two hours later we emerged with bags of goodies and our wallets several hundred dollars lighter. It is nice to have some summer clothes that fit though. I think all three of us weight less than we did last year. I know all of the stuff Troubadour bought last year is way too big on him. Now, we are set for summer.
From the Columbia store we went to Rick's mom's house across town. We stopped to say hello. Rick discovered her cell phone wasn't working and it was time for her to upgrade. He asked if we minded a trip to the Verizon store. Ummmm.... the closest one is right by a Starbucks. Nope, don't mind at all.
We went to Cascade Station by Ikea in Portland and were there for about half a hour. Took Rick's mom home and headed South towards Corvallis. As we were coming into Salem Rick suggested we get sushi for dinner at Sushi Kyo. It was almost 6:00 pm and we hadn't eaten since lunch. Sounded good.
Nina was working and everything was tasty as usual. We headed home after that and managed to make it by 7:30. It was a long day and we were tired. I think we managed to stay up to watch a movie though.
Sunday we had a relaxing day. Puttered around and went to a couple of plant nurserys. Dropped off some fresh halibut at my bosses house and puttered in the yard. Troubadour grilled some halibut for dinner and we feasted.
Too soon we were heading to bed to get ready for another work week.
I did manage to try out the new camera a few more times with a few random shots from the backyard. Hopefully I will use it more this weekend. So far I find on 'auto' mode I can take two pictures right after one another and their exposure is totally different. Not good.
Today is the last day of June. In hindsight I haven't done much riding so far, but the weather had a bit to do with that. I am lucky and have an extended long weekend. Not only do I have Saturday, Sunday, and Monday off but I have tomorrow off as well. That gives me the whole day to go grocery shopping and get the house clean for the weekend.
We don't have any plans but I am thinking a ride is in order. Just a matter of planning where to go that will have the least amount of long weekend traffic. Hmmm. To the coast? The Cascades? Or stay in the valley? We'll see.

And on a side note.....
Happy Canada Day to all our Canadian blogger brethren.
- Au Revoir
"Oh, wouldn't the world seem dull and flat with nothing whatever to grumble at?" ~ W.S. Gilbert
ReplyDeleteI thought you bought that small camera to put into your small pocket. That way you would have a camera with you for the food porn photos.
Yes, Canada Day tomorrow. You have a good 4th of July too
Riding the Wet Coast
The colors on the flowers seem to be pretty good.
ReplyDeleteEven if I have a camera, many times I forget about the food pictures until it's too late. Hope you have a wonderful holiday break...
Lovely photos of Squire Basil sunning his nether regions. Just too warm and cosy to chase and dismember anything that runs, crawls or slithers?